Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Love Of Anime Naruto Makes Me Want To Tell

facts about the strongest character in the anime naruto
5 Strongest Kick From Each Element
Naruto Episode nature, Kick element is the most important element within the shinobi itself, and they should be able to use the element moves wisely. Do not get put on the element moves to the things that are not good, because the element jutsu will destroy everything that is targeted. And moves behind the elements stored 5 strongest moment of each element of this Naruto story .mudah easily benefit you naruto anime lovers

   1. Elements of Fire
Katon: Gouka Mekkyaku
Is a powerful jutsu of the element of fire, this jutsu is a jutsu from Madara Uchiha. This technique is equivalent to 5x stance Katon: Goukakyo no Jutsu. This technique has been used Tobi ET against the troops of the 4th division led by Gaara. Range, size and effect of this attack is fairly large can scorch an area, do not be surprised to stop this jutsu 4 division troops consisting of Kirigakure ninja must make Suiton: Suijinheki (water wall) together.

 2. Water Element
Water Release: Daikodan no Jutsu
A jutsu greatest owned by missing nin Kirigakure origin is Kisame Hoshigaki. This jutsu is similar like a shark. Do not underestimate this technique, the working principle of this technique to suck opponents chakra, chakra stronger opponent then this jutsu will also be getting bigger and stronger. This technique once in use by Kisame against Guy. Guy issued hirudora (Tiger Day) and Kisame issued Suiton: Daikodan no Jutsu. But hirudora easily penetrate this jutsu. Guy said that hirudora not ninjutsu but created from taijutsu stance.

3. Elements of Land
Doton: Sando no Jutsu
Greatest techniques of soil elements are in use by origin Iwagakure shinobi is Kitsuchi. Kitsuchi say that this technique is the best technique. The workings of this technique is to make two hills of land that make up half of the ball and crush his enemies in the middle. With this technique he guarantees there will be no enemy can survive. But it all fell apart when Gedo Mazo want to attack the First Division troops led by Darui. Kitsuchi using this technique and hope Gedo Mazo can be stopped but whatever the power, the power of Gedo Mazo is very large and this technique could not dampen the Gedo Mazo.

    4. Elements Lightning
Greatest of lightning element jutsu created by Sasuke Uchiha. To use this technique needs a lot of things needed by creating a thunder cloud. The effect of this attack is equivalent to a bomb! who can avoid this jutsu speed is about 1 / 1000th per second? Itachi just about to die if he does not turn Susano'o

 5. Wind Element
 Fuuton: Rasenshuriken
Is the development of Rasengan jutsu that adding wind chakra into it. In this way it creates a new jutsu that Fuuton: Rasenshuriken. Users of this jutsu is Uzumaki Naruto. The effect of this attack is very severe, can kill a person in an instant, for example, is when Naruto against Kakuzu. Kakuzu die horribly with wounds around his body. But behind the excess stored Rasenshuriken disadvantage of this technique will injure the wearer's hand. But this can be overcome by throwing it, thereby reducing the risk of hand injury (currently sennin mode)

 That's 5 Strongest Kick From Each Element
That version of Konohagakure

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