Friday, January 2, 2015

Funny story Hidan and Kakuzu

* Jleeppp ...
Srasshh..keluar splash of blood from a person's body.
"Uaaaaa ..."
heard someone who screams in pain.
And apparently it is already dead ninja in front of Hidan who Jashinnya Ritual mode.

"hahh..aku already doing god Jashin, extraordinary pleasure .." Hidan seemed satisfied.
"then quickly rushed" invite Kakuzu.

Hidan and Kakuzu proceed.
Tiba2 they both stopped at the sight of a person.
Kakuzu began to open the Register Fugitive His dark.
"hmm..trnyata DNG he was the target price of 100 thousand Ryo, now I'm not going to let him get away!"

"Wait, let me just who did it, Kakuzu!" Hidan said
"are you sure?" Kakuzu asked.
"yyaa..Dewa Jashin also would not be satisfied if only 1" Hidan said.

* Tap ..
Hidan toward the man, let's call it "Ninja A".
* tinnnggg ..
Ninja was parried attack Hidan.
Then Hidan made a circle with a triangle symbol in the middle to later ritual.

Once completed, then Hidan ran toward it to happen Ninja fight and Hidan managed to get the blood of the man and then swallow.
"jahaha..Dewa will curse you now!"
Hidan began to change to Mode ritual.
And ..
* jleepp ..
Hidan stabs the heart and makes Ninja killed instantly.

Then Kakuzu who daritadi silent only see Hidan, began to take the bodies to be exchanged for black market.
"Come Hidan, I already smell the money" invite Kakuzu.
"Ahh, do not want to place the foul lg, I want to wait here and finish Ritualku, and if you bother me, god Jashin will not forgive you!" Hidan clear.
"whatever you say" Kakuzu said

Kakuzu started to move towards the spot exchange.
Shortly thereafter, Kakuzu back with one suitcase full of money containing.
"Heh..kau already completed apparently ?!" Hidan said that daritadi already waiting Kakuzu.
"it does not matter, let's go back" Kakuzu said.

They both went back.
On the way, they were confronted by someone tiba2.

Let's call him the "Ninja B"
and it looks like Ninja B was invited them to fight.
"hmm..ini for 300 thousand Ryo" Kakuzu said as he opened the book his man.

* teegg ..
Kakuzu preparing to attack the open robe, since Kakuzu did not seem to be kidding.
But suddenly ..
"Stop Kakuzu, I'll do it" while facing Kakuzu Hidan said.
"and I want to satisfy the lust to kill me, you just tp..terserah Hidan, I also can wreak on you!" Kakuzu reply.

In short ..
Just as before, Hidan fight with Ninja B it and managed to kill the ritual, as usual.
"ahh..Dewa Jashin will surely be happy with what I do" Hidan said with satisfaction.

And finally they both carry the victim on the black market.
After they came out, so Kakuzu bring 2 suitcases filled with cash.

"You know Hidan, with a habit that you do, maybe something bad will happen to you that ?!"
"are you talking about this, I am immortal, I would baik2 only ..?!"

"tp..mungkin will be no risk if you keep doing that stupid habit, kill someone with your stupid ritual might be harmful to you, try to do it the other way, and of course you will ..." said Kakuzu who then cut the conversation by Hidan.
"The quasi-advised you, see and watch this .."

* tiiinnggg,.
it turns out there is someone who attack from above and Hidan Hidan deflected.
Call it the man DNG "Ninja C"
When Kakuzu saw his man book, it turns out that precious ninja C higher than the Ninja-Ninja earlier, namely 1 Million Ryo.
Quickly then Hidan and man was fighting, while Kakuzu just geleng2 head.
As usual, Hidan run Ninja C ritual to kill it.
And Hidan managed.

"look ..? With the ability and ritualku I could kill someone while playing around with it, and you see yourself I baik2 only.
Now I do not want to hear thy prating again, understand! "Said Hidan
"ya..itu up to you alone, important I warned you!" Kakuzu reply.

Kakuzu then back again to the Dark Changer, and Kakuzu came out with 4 Koper as well.
Then, not long after they both reached the Akatsuki headquarters.

Kakuzu seen heading into a room carrying a suitcase that contains 4 full with money.

Hidan: "hey guys, I'm back ag ...."
"oughh .."
Hidan tiba2 pain and finally lying.

"why the religious people?" said Pain
"I do not know, he is careless" said Itachi
"let me see .." said Tobi.

Hidan Tiba2 face changed a bit like Pig, her body was blue, pale and not karu-known.
And stelah viewed by Tobi, body Hidan had lodged various dangerous and deadly diseases macm.

Hidan was surprised by the statement that Tobi.
And Hidan was given the previous incident when Hidan fight.
Turns 3 Ninjas who fought Hidan has a dangerous disease which then spread through the blood of his victims to Hidan who swallowed by Hidan.

- A Ninja exposed to Swine Flu Disease
- Ninja B affected by HIV / AIDS
- Ninja C affected by a rare and deadly disease that are not even known what it's called.

And because Hidan immortal and can not die, then it can only be crippling disease Hidan like People Stroke and make Hidan Body unpalatable taste.

Then Hidanpun began to whimper in pain and paralyzed and could not speak clearly.
And it became a separate entertainment for all members of Akatsuki.

"heh..Hidan, you know why? What god Jashinmu that curse you? Hmm .." Deidara said.
"Hidan's good, than you're not handy lg mending now you I make my human Dolls nd I use to fight, after all, you can not just die.
Gwahahaha ... "Sasori said.

All Akatsuki members Hidan unfortunate laugh.
"watch you, god Jashin would surely condemn you all.
Ciihh..sial Kakuzu, why he did not say in advance that will jd like this! "Hidan said in the Heart.

Switch to place Kakuzu who turns taking a bath banknotes.
"khu..khu..khu ... I have not been like this.
Tp..aku so concerned also with Hidan, maybe now he's dead? Ehh..tunggu, Hidan the Eternal.
Ahh..masa stupid, important hepi. Khu..khu..khu .. "

Misfortune is being override Hidan, Kakuzu came tp otherwise LUCK.
hahahhahaaha ....

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