Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Yonbi no Saru

Yonbi no Saru

- Name: Yonbi no Saru
- Type: A red colored Apes
- Jinchuuriki: An old man named Roushi (Iwagakure)
- Status: Captured by Akatsuki

Info: Roushi contains four tailed demon, which takes the form
large emitting lava gorilla.
He was appointed as a Jinchuuriki
by Iwagakure, at some point he and his village
parted. He travels the world
to try and understand
power. he uses
Bijuu to create Youton
(Lava Element) Ninjutsu, a combination of Earth and Fire Elements
which creates lava
could melt through anything.
He was defeated in battle by Kisame.

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