Sunday, December 28, 2014

history of life Uciha Obito

The history of the journey of life Uchiha Obito:
Obito is a former shinobi of Konohagakure Chunin-level and member of Team Minato who allegedly died in Kannabi Bridge during the Third Shinobi World War. After a tragic loss, Obito then began operating as masked men under the guise of Tobi, and then under the alias Tobi and become criminals responsible for international crimes, and be generous to Akatsuki. He is one of two remaining Uchiha life, and one of the main antagonists of the series.

 On the day that he became a student at the Academy, Obito had arrived too late for the opening ceremony. Believe that he arrived late he was relieved when Rin Nohara his hand over the document orientation. He eventually graduated at the age of 9 and placed in Minato team with Rin and Kakashi Hatake under the leadership of Minato Namikaze. The team took part in the Chunin Exam, where Obito arrived late for the second round in the Forest of Death after stopping to help an elderly woman. [3] When Tim Minato ran across the enemy team, trying to impress Rin Obito Uchiha clan fire technique, but eventually choke an old lady gave him candy and soon defeated by Might Guy. Extensive training between the second and third round and told Rin dream of becoming Hokage. But he was knocked out of the exam in another fight with Guy, who was then beaten by Kakashi allows him to rise to the rank of Chunin. Obito did not attain the rank of a few years later, but was overshadowed by Kakashi become Jonin and subsequent shock Rin celebration planned for him.

 Main article: Kakashi Gaiden
MinatoTeam Team Minato.

During the Third Shinobi World War, Kakashi placed in charge of the team for the mission to destroy Kannabi Bridge, which will inhibit Iwagakure of use Kusagakure as a point of relief. Before starting the mission, Minato and Kakashi Rin reward to celebrate promotion to Jonin, though Obito had forgotten so tense relationship already poor. Minato soon be called to the front lines, leaving the team to carry out the mission alone. All three were later found by Iwa-nin and Rin was arrested. Kakashi chose to leave Rin, believe it is more important to complete the mission before associating with her safety. Obito became angry at the idea and insisted that they were focused on her rescue. When Kakashi refused, Obito left alone, commented that Kakashi is worse than rubbish to leave his friends.
Obito find Iwa-nin cave used as a hiding place, but before he could make a lot of progress, found and attacked by Taiseki camouflaged. Kakashi has a change of heart because Obito parting words, arrive and save Obito, protect it from attack Taiseki, but damaging his left eye in the process. To save his teammate, Obito's Sharingan awakened for the first time, so he saw through the camouflage Taiseki and killed him. Both are found and released Rin of its limitations, encourage Kakkō to carry around their caves. When they make their escape, Kakashi very limited vision hamper him, and when he saw Obito would be destroyed by a falling stone blind spot, he was pushed out of the way and become trapped under the rubble in place, destroying the right side of his body. With no way to escape, Obito accept his fate and make an offer: to give his left Sharingan Kakashi as an apology for forgetting to get him a gift earlier [5].
Obito 3Obito trapped under a rock.

Rin did transplant and after the procedure was completed, Kakashi uses his new Sharingan to kill Kakkō. The Iwa reinforcements quickly began to further compress the ruins forcing Kakashi and Rin to leave Obito behind. As the rock tightened around him, Obito complained that he eventually became friends with Kakashi and failed he could not admit his feelings for Rin. After that, Minato save Kakashi and Rin and Obito believed to be dead, his name is marked in Konoha warning.
Obito heavy MadaraA meeting wrapped Obito met Madara.

But in reality, Obito Uchiha Madara saved by parents who find Uchiha when a cave-in took him to one of the tunnels leading to the cemetery Mountains'. Although Sharingan miraculously unharmed, the whole side of his body from the neck down crushed, pushed Madara to reconstruct half of his body using parts of life Hashirama clone. [7] [8] Tells Obito that he now owes his life, Obito even said he wanted to return to Konoha and with his friends. Madara tells that the new body would prevent him from becoming a shinobi again, and that in the end it does not matter. Madara preach about the harsh nature of reality and how he has a plan to change the world. Still not sure, but otherwise not be able to leave, Obito remained at Mount Graveyard to recuperate. During healing, he met and became friends with White Zetsu and one of its many clones brother while undergoing rehabilitation to use his new limbs.

As Obito finally getting used to his new legs, White Zetsu alerted him to the fact that Kakashi and Rin surrounded by Kirigakure-nin and in danger. Obito tried to punch through a wall blocking Mount Graveyard, but ultimately destroy his right arm and barely breaking a wall. Spiral Zetsu, want to help and make sure Madara will allow it, wrapped his Obito with giving him the strength to break the wall. As Obito ready to go, he said Madara he did not intend to come back, but thank you for saving his life. Madara in turn told him that he would come back willingly and thank him honest. Using Spiral Zetsu to find his friends, he learned that Minato once again absent. In a way, the left eye socket Obito catch a glimps of what the left eye really see, but think of it as a panic thought. Upon reaching the battlefield, he was surprised to see Kakashi has run Rin through with Chidori.
Obito slaughterObito standing between slaughtered Left-nin.

As Rin died before the two of them, they matured Sharingan into Kakashi's Mangekyo Sharingan and passed out quickly after that. Kiri-nin tried to claim the body for intel Rin, Obito pushed angry slaughter them with a combination of Kamui and Wood Release abilities grow from his body. After killing all the Kiri-nin and completely ignore Kakashi, Obito and Rin body hugging, with Madara's words ringing in his mind, swore he would create a world in which he lives back.
Moving Forward Plan Edit
ZetsuObito Obito and Zetsu and Madara Eye of the Moon Plan put into action.

With new confidence, he returned to the Graveyard Mountain ', and agrees with the conclusions Madara that reality they live in are worthless and should be destroyed. He swore he would create a new reality in which he, Rin and Kakashi will be together again. Happy, Madara said Obito details of Eye of the Moon Plan, secret Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, and the role to be played by his Nagato Rinnegan. Break away from the Statue of devil, Madara said that Obito until the day he returned, he would Tobi and must work to bring the Eye of the Moon Plan to completion.

Obito and Zetsu trip to Amegakure to meet Ame Orphans, were skeptical at Obito claims that he is Madara and his plan to create a world where everyone wins though Nagato wanted to know about his power. Yahiko Obito brushed off and told him to stay away from them. Obito, however, stated that he would go back to that place every day until they understand and come to him willingly. Finally, after the death of Yahiko, Nagato would become ill and join Obito, this began the current incarnation of the Akatsuki.

From this point, Obito action is largely unknown. As speculated Tsunade years later, the reason Obito adopt his name to take advantage of the power of the people who call in fear of his own legend.Because many famous acts Madara done during his life (like acquiring Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan), few are surprised that Madara could still be alive after so long. They take crime Obito perform under the name Madara as further confirmation that he really Madara, because Madara only be capable of such actions. Obito also have knowledge about things that only the real Madara will know, go give him confidence.
Minato vs TobiObito and Minato clash.

Twelve years before the start of the series, after infiltrated Konoha, Obito learned that Kushina Uzumaki, the Nine-Tails' Jinchuriki and Minato's wife, will give birth. Obito knew that this would cause the seal keeping the Nine-Tails contained within himself to weaken Intends to use the Nine-Tails, Obito managed to find it and take the newborn Naruto hostage to keep from interfering .. So Minato he extracted animals, Obito put under his head and ordered to destroy Konoha. Using Kamui to keep Minato went to the village's defense, keeping his true identity hidden while reaffirming its ambitions, Obito involved Minato before being hit by Rasengan and branded with the Flying Thunder God Technique, Minato. Wounded by Minato Contract Seal disturbing his control over the Nine-Tails, Obito escape while vowing to get back tail, and stated that he still had other plans.
MadaraObito the flame pattern masks.

Eight years after the Nine-Tails', clan that has been isolated and placed under heavy suspicion for the attacks as full story events along with Minato and his wife died, Obito infiltrated Konoha to rekindle the flames of war. She was first discovered by Itachi Uchiha, who thinks he is Madara and convince Obito to spare the village in exchange for helping to remove the clan, who he meets. Around that time, Obito also met with Danzō Shimura for unknown reasons. At some point in time, Obito also took control of the Fourth Mizukage, essentially making him the "real" Mizukage of Kirigakure. Kisame Hoshigaki is one of the few Kirigakure ninja to know about the Fourth manipulation but Obito help in his quest to bring an end to the "world of lies". Later, Obito leave his name, calling himself Tobi in order to join the Akatsuki Zetsu as subordinate to build and hide themselves in their ranks before being put into motion a plan Madara.

Mungkin maksud Anda adalah: Obito mengawal sebuah woman Obito tua membantu sebuah desa tua. Di masa mudanya, Obito terus-menerus terlambat, yang, lebih sering daripada tidak, adalah karena perbuatan baik yang telah berhenti untuk dilakukan, seperti membantu orang tua Setelah membuat sebuah titik dalam hidupnya untuk melakukannya, dia. mencatat bahwa ia tahu semua orang tua di Konoha,  berhenti sekali dalam perjalanan ke Ujian Chunin untuk membantu seorang wanita tua membawa kopernya, dan bahkan lucu ditawarkan untuk membersihkan nether daerah Madara ketika bertemu dengannya. Obito juga mudah meneteskan air mata, yang selalu bersikeras karena ia telah mendapatkan sesuatu di matanya meskipun memakai kacamata. Obito jatuh cinta dengan Rin, tetapi perasaannya tidak menguntungkan sebagai Rin tertarik pada Kakashi sebagai gantinya. Frustrasi dengan ini, Obito iri keterampilan luar biasa Kakashi, dan begitu terus-menerus berusaha untuk melampaui dia. Meskipun upaya ini biasanya berakhir dengan kegagalan, ia mampu menghabiskan waktu dengan Rin sementara dia dirawat luka-lukanya. Pada akhirnya, Obito tidak akan pernah mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengungkapkan perasaannya kepada Rin sebelum "kematian"-nya. Seperti Kakashi mencatat, selain persaingan muridnya dengan Sasuke dan perasaan satu sisi untuk rekan perempuan, Naruto berbagi keyakinan lainnya Obito memiliki, seperti keinginannya untuk menjadi Hokage dan tidak pernah meninggalkan kawan-kawan di medan perang. Bahkan setelah "mati", Obito masih sangat peduli untuk teman-temannya dan desa, dan segera ingin kembali untuk melihat mereka lagi. [28] Namun, setelah menyaksikan kematian Rin di tangan Kakashi, tekad Obito hancur, dan kepribadiannya berubah selamanya . Obito dengan rin bodyObito berkabung kematian Rin. Pada saat ia menjadi dewasa, dikondisikan oleh Madara untuk melanjutkan karyanya, kepribadian Obito berubah drastis saat ia menjadi sangat fokus, tenang dan serius. Dari mantan loyalitas dan ideologi nya yang tampaknya berasal dari Kehendak Api, dia mengalami Kutukan klannya dari Kebencian dengan seluruh dunia itu sendiri sebagai obyek kebencian nya. Keyakinan ini menjadi semakin kuat ke titik Obito tidak lagi peduli untuk nya kesejahteraan, dia menyatakan tidak ada dan bahwa tidak ada di dunia ini penting bagi dia selain Mata Rencana Bulan [29] [30] Kurangnya empati termasuk. mereka yang dekat dengannya, menyerang Minato dan Kakashi tanpa ragu-ragu jika dia akhirnya membunuh mereka karena ia percaya setelah Eye dari Rencana Bulan selesai, dia hanya bisa menghidupkan kembali mereka bersama dengan Rin. Hanya cinta Obito untuk Rin tetap, keinginannya untuk menciptakan sebuah dunia di mana ia akan ada bersama-sama dengan dia dengan senang hati menjadi motivasi bagi perbuatannya. Dia bahkan secara terbuka menyatakan Madara, orang yang memberikan tujuan ini, bahwa ia tidak benar-benar menganggap dia sekutu. Dia juga berteman dengan Zetsu sebelum perubahan kepribadiannya, menjadi salah satu dari beberapa nya (jika tidak hanya) benar-benar positif. Dia juga mengambil keuntungan dari kebutuhan sendiri dalam ambisi utama Madara menjadi Sepuluh-ekor 'jinchūriki untuk terjun Angkatan Shinobi Sekutu dalam keputusasaan,  menunjukkan kurangnya rasa syukur atas Madara menyelamatkan hidupnya dan memberinya tujuan rencana. Setelah kematian Neji, Obito bersikeras menunjukkan kepada Naruto bahwa dia telah kehilangan banyak orang, dan bahwa keyakinannya hanya akan menyebabkan kematian semua orang yang telah mengakui dia, untuk titik Madara memerhatikan bagaimana Obito telah menjadi seperti diri masa lalunya sendiri . Sementara sering sombong tentang kemampuan sendiri dan tidak menghormati orang-orang yang menganggap lemah, dia tidak di atas memberikan pujian kepada musuh-musuhnya, seperti mantan gurunya Minato karena mampu melukainya. Dia juga telah meninggalkan mimpinya untuk menjadi Hokage dan cita-cita persahabatan, dan mencemooh Naruto untuk memiliki kedua kualitas. Arogansi ini diperpanjang ke arah Kakashi meskipun dua menjadi mantan teman dan sahabat, memuji kecepatan sambil memarahi dia tidak membuka mulutnya begitu mudah, serta Guy untuk selalu melupakan wajah orang-orang. Meskipun Obito tidak menyalahkan Kakashi, dia menganggap dia sampah seperti dirinya dan siapa saja yang telah hidup di dunia begitu lama, twist mantan keyakinannya bahwa siapa pun yang meninggalkan rekan-rekan mereka yang lebih rendah dari sampah, namun ia tampak marah ketika Kakashi disebutkan Rin, dan menanggapinya dengan pembalasan setan. Obito juga telah mengambil sebuah disposisi agresif dan sadis, tidak di atas mengambil sandera Naruto yang baru lahir untuk melepaskan Kurama dari ibunya dan tanpa ampun membunuh Fuu agar dapat bereinkarnasi saat kemudian dengan menggunakan Fu sebagai kurban, semua untuk tujuan pengujian kemampuan Kabuto.
Obito escorting an old womanObito help an old village.

In his youth, Obito was constantly late, which, more often than not, is because of the good deeds that have ceased to do, such as helping the elderly After making a point in his life to do so, he is. noting that he knows all the parents in Konoha, stopped once on the way to the Chunin Exam to help an old lady carry her luggage, and even funny offered to clean the nether regions Madara when he met him. Obito also easily moved to tears, who always insisted because he had to get something in his eyes despite wearing glasses. Obito fell in love with Rin, but the feelings are not mutual as Rin interested in Kakashi instead. Frustrated with this, Obito Kakashi envy extraordinary skill, and so continually strive to surpass him. Despite these efforts usually end in failure, he was able to spend time with Rin while he treated his wounds. In the end, Obito would never get a chance to express his feelings to Rin before the "death" of his. As Kakashi noted, in addition to his rivalry with Sasuke and feeling one side to female colleagues, Naruto Obito share other beliefs have, like the desire to become Hokage and never leave comrades on the battlefield. Even after the "death", Obito still cares deeply for her friends and the village, and immediately wanted to go back to see them again. However, after witnessing the death of Rin in the hands of Kakashi, Obito determination destroyed, and his personality changed forever.
Obito with rin bodyObito mourning the death of Rin.

By the time he became an adult, conditioned by Madara to continue his work, Obito's personality changed drastically when he became very focused, calm and serious. Of his former loyalty and ideology that seems to come from the Will of Fire, he suffered his clan Curse of Hatred by the whole world itself as an object of his hatred. This belief became stronger to the point Obito no longer care for her well-being, he stated no and that nothing in this world is important for him besides Eye of the Moon Plan The lack of empathy included. those close to him, attacked Minato and Kakashi without hesitation if he finally killed them because he believed after the Eye of the Moon Plan is completed, he can only revive them together with Rin. Only love for Rin Obito fixed, his desire to create a world in which he will be there along with him gladly be the motivation for his actions. He even openly stated Madara, people who give this purpose, that he did not really consider him an ally. He is also friends with Zetsu before changes in personality, becoming one of his few (if not only) really positive.

He also took advantage of their own needs in the main ambition Madara became the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki to plunge into despair Allied Shinobi Forces, showed a lack of gratitude for saving his life and gave him Madara plan objectives. After the death of Neji, Naruto Obito insisted on showing that he had lost a lot of people, and that belief will only lead to the death of all those who have recognized him, to the point Madara noticed how Obito has become as its own past self.

While often arrogant about their own abilities and do not respect the people who consider weak, he is not above giving praise to his enemies, as a former teacher Minato being able to hurt him. He also had to leave his dream to become Hokage and ideals of friendship, and scoffs Naruto to have both qualities. Arrogance is extended towards Kakashi though the two became former friends and companions, praised the speed while scolding him not to open his mouth so easily, and Guy to always forget people's faces. Although not blame Kakashi Obito, he considers him as her litter and anyone who has lived in the world for so long, twist the former belief that anyone who leaves their colleagues lower than trash, but he was visibly upset when Kakashi Rin mentioned, and responded with a vengeance demon. Obito has also taken an aggressive and sadistic disposition, not above taking a newborn Naruto hostage to release Kurama from his mother and mercilessly killing Fuu to be reincarnated moments later by using Fu as a sacrifice, all for the purpose of testing the ability of Kabuto.

When it was first introduced as "Tobi", Obito acting role idiot happy-go-lucky, which annoyed most of the members of Akatsuki, Deidara particular, which often attack Obito in comedy mode. Kisame, on the other hand, appreciate the ability Obito to brighten gloomy as their organization. In the anime, Obito displayed keep this charade even when no one was around. Finally, Obito dispose of its role as a fool after death Deidara and using it one final time to distract the Eight Man Squad for battle Sasuke with Itachi.

Obito is a master of manipulation, either subtly undermine its own target destination, eliminating part of the story or incident to his own advantage as he did with Sasuke, or appear to share their beliefs. This is most visible in the presence of Akatsuki, wildly-different members work together because they believe the organization furthers their own purposes, in reality they are mere tools that further Obito agenda as noted by case Nagato. He often avoid responsibility for the influence he has over other people, people who claim to follow him willingly forced and manipulated. He is also capable of patience in achieving goals, even teaching Sasuke in it at one time. However, patience is not unlimited - at one point he chose to throw caution and proceed with its plans in a more aggressive and assertive, and when the Ten-Tails is revived, he asserts that the eye of the moon ritual will begin immediately. He is also prone to taking risks - reveals the history and the real motive Itachi to Sasuke to win his services is the first of many gambling Obito need. Although Sasuke does not always meet their expectations, such as not being able to beat the five Kage, Obito was still happy with the "development" of its :. Sharingan developing and growing isolation from all other allies [36] While he had threatened to kill Sasuke at the time and even offered to hand it over to someone else, Obito remain attached to Sasuke, at least until he no longer had a use for him.

Obito also recently acquired almost-obsessive fixation on Naruto, who reminds him of himself in his youth. Because of the similarity with him as a child, Obito expressed great anger against Naruto to continue to follow the same ideology that he never owned up to the death of Rin, considering he was very naive and childish still believe in those principles. Nevertheless, the belief that Naruto Uchiha shown will one day end up like him, and almost succeeded in proving this after the Ten-Tails kill her colleagues right in front of his eyes. However, when these tactics failed to change the way of thinking thanks to Hinata and Naruto interference Kurama, Obito be rash and careless, deliberately letting the Ten-Tails will be hurt by Killer B after impulsively tries to use its power to kill more than ally Naruto.
Appearance Edit
Tobi's face is the face revealedObito revealed during the Fourth Shinobi World War.

As a child, Obito had a short, spiky, black hair and black eyes. She wore a long-sleeve blue uniform with a metal coating on parts that reach back of his hand, and a blue jacket with orange collar and trimmings. Jackets tied to the whole outfit with two buttons at the collar, and has a peak behind the Uchiha clan. He also wore a white belt, shinobi sandals, standard Konoha forehead protector, and a pair of sunglasses with orange lenses connected to the ear protectors. After he was taken from Kusagakure, Madara replace his right side was destroyed by artificial material from Hashirama clone life. The right side of his face was heavily scarred in a way that is similar to the age wrinkles, and parts of his face on the side of the reconstructed with Hashirama's DNA that is paler in color than normal skin color. During rehabilitation, Obito grow his hair out, with a shape similar to Madara He eventually cut back to a short length as in childhood .. During the Nine-Tails' attack he was wearing a long hooded cloak and mask yellow-orange with a pattern which resembles scar face, some time before the Nine-tails' attack on Konoha. During a meeting with Kisame, and Itachi respectively, Obito look with long hair again, but he then cut back to a normal length he used to date, he also wore a robe with sash at waist Uchiha and masks yellow-orange flame pattern. During his meeting with Kisame, he wore a dark kimono and left his body so wrapped in gauze.
War Madara Uchiha clothing both see Chapter 520Obito it.

As Tobi, Obito create an orange mask with spiral-pattern showed only his right eye, keepsake when Zetsu Spiral wrapped him. Under the cloak of Akatsuki, he wore a long-sleeved black top which also includes the neck and chin, a pair of black gloves, and a pair of dark pants along with the standard Akatsuki shoes and white stirrups. At the waist, he wore a thick black belt with a metal plate steel-like attached to it. He wears the same metal plate on his shoulders with green scarf before becoming a partner Deidara. He was wearing blue nail polish on fingers and toes (black in the manga). As Tobi, Sasori ring he wore on his left thumb.

After he obtained the Rinnegan, Obito began wearing a new mask made of strong material suitable for the Fourth Shinobi World War looming. White with purple mask that covers the entire top half of his head with a design that resembles Obito eyes Ten-Tails', consisting of a ripple-pattern with three tomoe around the center, two tomoe is acting as a mask eye-holes. He also dons traditional dress clan during the Warring States era. This outfit includes a pair of black pants and gloves, with a white shirt, considered to be form-fitting underneath. During this time she was wearing a purple, high-necked, long-sleeved coat that splits at the bottom and have the Uchiha crest on the back. In the waist he wore a simple, light purple and obi belt. Strapped to his back, he brought Gunbai purple with black trimmings and black tomoe, connected to the black chain that ran right arm.
ability Edit

While always jealous exceptional talent Kakashi in their childhood, as Uchiha Obito has a high aptitude for, show enough as a child to become a Chunin at age 11. He can be recognized as an adult in the clan, after mastering the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique , although he has yet to awaken his Sharingan. He is a fast learner, able to effectively use advanced techniques shortly after getting them as Wood Release, with Spiral Zetsu noted the potential and why Tobi has been chosen. As an adult, who has been trained personally by Madara, who passed on most of the skills and knowledge to the young Uchiha, Obito capability has been developed greatly, easily allowing him to hold his own against both Kage-level and S-rank shinobi, as well as Jinchuriki perfect and very famous shinobi other.
taijutsu Edit
Obito knee a Left-ninObito knee a Left-nin.

As a child, Obito quite skilled with taijutsu. After raising the Sharingan, the ability of hand-to-hand improved because he is able to read and now even predict the movements of opponents to the point that it can effectively resist Kakkō, an attack Iwa-nin experienced. He also displayed great physical strength is seen when he threw Kakashi few feet away so that he would not be destroyed by a giant rock. He was also featured in a coordinated attack skills together using Sharingan Kakashi. Later, the skills in this field see some growth, enough to overpower and subdue opponents as various Kiri-nin he struggled after the death of Rin. In adulthood, he is able to fight against two of the most skilled ninja Danza in the same roots and even go up against his former Kakashi. He mostly achieve this by using a hand-to-hand combat together with Sharingan and space-time technique to allow the opponent to phase through him and then quickly against using the element of surprise and confusion.

Obito has shown a high rate of speed, even without his Kamui. He has a very fast reaction time and reflexes, because he was able to get rid of the traps are popping up on his team, although this is not always a good thing as it looks when he pre-empted attacks Might Guy as a child but was eliminated instead. During his meeting with Kakkō he displayed enough speed to intercept attacks Iwa-nin, creating an opening for Kakashi to attack. He also displayed his speed against Kirigakure ninja fighting, close the distance quickly and landed a series of quick punches and blows before they could react. As an adult, agility Obito big enough that he was able to compete with Naruto the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode her.
Ninjutsu Edit
Nature Transformation Edit
Obito using fire techniqueObito use Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, Obito is experienced in Fire Release technique, which he can use to quickly, as seen during the mission in which he showed the rapid use of the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique . In the anime, Obito shown the ability to hide shuriken in some small fireball. As an adult, his Fire Release the same size and scale that teacher, Madara Uchiha. He can use his space-time technique to enhance the already strong vortex of fire that can affect various enough.
Piercing branchesObito skewering a Left-nin with Wood Release.

Obito gain the ability to use Wood Release after obtaining artificial limbs made of cells Hashirama Senju. His skill with kekkei genkai shown during attacks on several Kirigakure-nin after Rin has died. He can use these skills to produce a sharp branch of his body to stab enemies He can use Wood Release: .. Cutting Technique, which allows him to use a wooden projectile multiplied in the victim's body after being stabbed by them At one point he brings out the tangled roots of violent land destroy the Left-nin caught in-between them. Obito could also produce smaller roots of one hand, and use them to restrain and limit their opponents. Using cell Hashirama and Madara assistance, Obito can connect and control (albeit with difficulty) tailed beast as strong as the Ten-Tails

Aside from the Wood Release, Obito may be able to use two component elements: earth and water. He has shown talent with elements of the former as seen when he was buried and moved underground to spread Deidara bomb on the battlefield to make a literal minefield.
Bukijutsu Edit

As an adult, Obito been shown to play a variety of weapons throughout the series. During the Fourth Shinobi World War he began carrying a war fan that Tobi is known to be used during his lifetime. Gunbai is attached to a chain that is connected to Obito, which allows him to use a fan in a similar way to hit, as an alternative means of attack, and defense, as well as methods to get within absorb his enemies. The Gunbai also very durable, enough to block the Rasengan without obvious damage to it. With this weapon, he was able to hold his own against both Naruto the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode and Might Guy, taijutsu master simultaneously
Tobi ChainsObito using chain in battle with Minato.

In his fight with Minato Namikaze, he uses a long chain attached to the braces on her wrist, resembling shackles. They are used in conjunction with the ability to become intangible, first by allowing the enemy to harmlessly pass through his body before strengthening again when they emerge from the other side, holding them with a trailing chain. Just before the Uchiha massacre, when meeting with Itachi, Obito seen carrying a sword at his waist. He was also willing to use improvised objects as weapons, as seen when he uses a simple pipe to stab Konan.

After the first turn on the Mangekyo Sharingan and Wood Release, there are multiple recipients chakra between the branches that extended from his right side. Although after the release of the two techniques, the receiver seemed to vanish with them. After implanting Nagato Rinnegan, Obito displayed a wider use of the chakra receiver. By instilling a single chakra receiver in the left chest former Jinchuriki, Obito able to control and manipulate them entirely and forcing them to adopt their Jinchuriki transformation will. He also has a huge stake, used to stab the enemy and produce chakra chains that can withstand the tailed beasts.

During the Fourth Shinobi World War, he noted that his new mask has been designed specifically for fighting, so it is very durable.
Tobi uses shuriken shurikenObito ejects some of the separate dimensions.

As Uchiha Obito is an expert in the use of techniques of shuriken and holding a giant shuriken sets of various sizes (from size handheld, for greater than adults full) stored in another dimension, which he can directly carry out, by using a spiral distortion Kamui to start them at high rotational speeds, which adds an element of surprise to attack and give the opponent minimal time to react accordingly. He also uses them as a close-range melee weapon against Kakashi, both for stabbing and slashing. He also has a set of giant kunai, which he used in an identical manner in conjunction with his dōjutsu.
dōjutsu Edit
Sharingan Edit
Tobi's Sharingan SharinganObito.

When Obito's Sharingan was first awakened already has two tomoe and he was able to take immediate advantage of it despite the lack of experience. His eyes rose three tomoe after witnessing the death of Rin, a few moments before the Mangekyo Sharingan awakened. After giving up his left eye to Kakashi's original, Obito obtain new left Sharingan eye and have some Sharingan placed in storage should he need it. As an adult, Obito Sharingan seems to be able to keep active at any time with a minimal drain on his chakra levels. He could use his Sharingan to perform various genjutsu like Konan forced to reveal the existence of Nagato's body, and the second trap Fu and Torune in genjutsu for a lot of time.

As Madara, Obito could use his Sharingan to put tailed beasts under his control, this control becomes more effective on one target, with some difficulty when controlling more than one at the same time, allowing the animals to temporarily exempt in the case. Obito can also perform Izanagi, a technique considered as kinjutsu Uchiha Sharingan user since stricken blind and sealed away forever. While there is usually a limit on how long Izanagi can stay active, Obito use Hashirama's DNA to extend the length of Izanagi, allowing him to keep it going for at least ten minutes while only losing one eye left substitute.
Mangekyo Sharingan Edit
TobiMS598Obito Mangekyo Sharingan.

Obito awakened the Mangekyo Sharingan after witnessing the death of Rin in hand Kakashi [76] eye itself, naturally, has the same design as Kakashi and remind pin-wheel .. It is through the Mangekyo Sharingan that he is able to perform space-time ninjutsu, Kamui.

This ability grants Obito use of two different abilities: teleportation, and other best described as "intangibility". Eye serves as a gateway to another dimension of space, which he can immediately send part of his body to and brought back from. This led him seem "intangible" in its original dimensions, when struck, attacks pass right through him, although he sometimes pretends to hurt or crying in pain to toy with his opponents [ Obito should be solid in order. interact with others, leaving him vulnerable to counter-attack when he did it. He could only make himself continuously intangible for about five minutes. He can extend this intangibility to whatever he touched at that time.
MigrationObito time space using Space-Time Ninjutsu her, Kamui.

The second part of Kamui is to travel long distances in the range of a relatively short time. While he is usually seen using this ability on himself, avoiding the attack rather than relying on arrogance, he can teleport people to make physical contact with them. After teleport the target is forced to stay there until he chose to release them. Chakra signatures from people who have actually gone teleport when they entered another dimension When transported in this way, the target seems to be sucked into his right eye .. Obito should remain solid while teleportation is used, and takes more time to absorb himself than anyone or anything else Minato Namikaze praised Obito space-time ninjutsu., Dubbing is more flexible than either alone and Tobirama Senju.

He was also able to incorporate the techniques of fire with Kamui technique to generate a strong vortex of fire. He was also able to use Kamui to release a variety of weapons from the pocket dimension eye with a very high speed, giving his opponents less time to react.

Overall Obito favors using his intangibility to defense, allowing opponents and their engineering phase through him and absorb them while they are off-guard. It becomes an important element in the style Obito battle he rarely resort to more traditional forms of ninjutsu. The only cons relied on this technique has its own Kakashi Kamui, ironically used by the partner, the left eye, curved objects go by Kamui sent to the same dimensions which then can jeopardize part of Obito that may exist in another dimension at that time. However, because of the ability to warp him and the fact that the eyes of the void share the same dimensions, Obito is "immune" in a sense, Kakashi use this technique on him, because he can freely move between dimensions.
Rinnegan Edit
RinneganObito Tobi Rinnegan.

Having lost his Sharingan replacement after killing Konan, Madara Rinnegan implanted Obito, which is taken from the bodies of Nagato, to his left eye socket in preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War. With the Rinnegan, Obito could call the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path.

Obito utilizing the Six Paths of Pain, with a particular path is selected from the reincarnated jinchūriki, embedding recipient of chakra in their body that allows him to manipulate them. Each also has the same eyes as he does (right Sharingan and Rinnegan left), which allows him to see what they see and coordinate their movements. This improves the ability of native jinchūriki, which allows them to perform a series of collaborative and precise attack. However, due to the consumption of enormous chakra needed, he did not have a road using individual skills provided by the Six Paths Technique.

As a wielder of the Rinnegan, Obito also have access to the Six Paths Technique. On one occasion he said that he could use the technique of Man to extract information from an individual, although the process will kill the target. He also has shown extensive use of the ability of the Outer Path, which, by combining with the Statue of the devil, he is able to reseal the tailed beasts in Jinchuriki respectively and use their powers freely and create a chain of chakra that he used to suppress their power. Obito can use the chain to drag the animals he controls the body's own or reseal them directly in Sculpture He could have used the Outer Path :. Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive someone at the cost of his own life, which he noted to be the key to reviving Madara as individuals who live and not the body reincarnation.
Body Modification Edit

Because of his artificial body, Obito physical strength has increased significantly. He was able to solve a large rock shortly after rehabilitation, and in later years easily stop a slash from Suigetsu Kubikiribōchō with artificial arms right in the manga, and the left arm is actually in the anime without injuring himself, hold Konan from the ground with his throat, and the Konoha ANBU strangled to death, each time using only one hand. Obito has also developed great resilience, enough to withstand damage caused by Rasengan attack directly without having impaired movement.
SubstanceObito white sleeve white substance that oozes when he separates from his body.

Obito artificial body also allows him to replace limbs cut on several occasions. These constructs were discarded and replaced as seen when Obito has replaced his arm and is similar in nature to the White Zetsu and his clones. When the damaged area instead of blood seeping white substance. The right side also has the ability regenerative artificial look, as Obito arm and shoulder is able to repair itself from the damage caused by Naruto Rasengan within minutes artificial body also allows Obito to survive without the need for food or water.
Chakra prowess Edi

As an Uchiha, he has a very powerful chakra. After his body be reconstructed from DNA material Hashirama Senju, augmentations also gave Obito large increase in vitality and chakra reserves as a result, enabling him to achieve many accomplishments chakra consuming. These include the use of its constant Mangekyo Sharingan, without side effects or health to his chakra, even when used in conjunction with other techniques, allowing the technique becomes irregular and signature moves him in battle. His large reservoir also allows him to summon creatures great and very strong like Kurama, stuff like Demonic Statue of the Outer Path and give him the necessary basis for the control of six completely changed Jinchuriki once.
intelligence Edit

As an adult, Obito is a sharp and incisive thinker, able to read through fraud. He can formulate elaborate plans well in advance and accurately predict how others will act in a set of circumstances. Even on the rare occasions where Obito was caught off-guard he was able to create a counter-strategy while maintaining a calm and quiet. He is flexible when the situation calls for it, by using alternative means to achieve the goal when the original plans failed. Mental strength is also important, because he was able to free himself from the Mind Body Switch Technique Ino in seconds.

Because guidance Madara, Obito gained extensive knowledge of the ninja world, which allows him to quickly identify most forms of ninjutsu and counter them if necessary. He also has studied various individuals or groups for some time, realizing poor Guy memory for faces, familiar with the ability of the less well-known than the Aburame clan, and even knowing well kept secrets such as when and where Kushina Uzumaki will give birth. His knowledge extends far enough back through history that he considers the story of the Sage of the Six Paths as fact, while many others assume the existence of Sage as a myth.

Obito, in his adult life, is also shown as a master manipulator is able to exploit an individual's belief and confidence in serving His purpose in manners directly or indirectly as Nagato, Kisame and Sasuke. It also works well in battle, such as his constant use of third-party calls and a key element in fighting style Obito later, can effectively coordinate aid for entertainment or work together to attack it. Likewise, he was able to fully assume the identity of Tobi to manipulate the entire shinobi world into war because they fear the ability of older Uchiha. When asked about why he would be things such roundabout by Ōnoki - someone who has witnessed the first electric hand - he noted that the fight between "he" and Hashirama, has left him a shell of his former self [106. ] Obito also experienced in psychological warfare, focused effort to break the enemy battle both mentally and emotionally. Until now, only the equally manipulative Kabuto Yakushi able to resist most of his exploits.
Other Skills Edit
Uchiha Kaen JinObito use Uchiha Fire Fighting campsite.

In addition to the ability of all sets of the main ninja, Obito also experienced in some other orthodox skills. He has shown a high level of surgical skill, able to remove, preserve, and eye transplant to himself and others. He can easily track and find others individuals wherever they are in ways unknown Obito capable of sealing technique, which allows him to separate the tail of jinchūriki .. He is also experienced in the technique barrier, using one one clan barriers that can burn enemies on contact.

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