Sunday, December 28, 2014

Kimimaro Sound ninja village

Kimimaro is a member of the Kaguya clan leader and member of the fifth and later named the Sound Five, and a faithful follower of Orochimaru. After he fell ill, the group was renamed "Sound Four".

Kimimaro only survivor of the Kaguya clan, the family will love fighting barbarians. Being the owner of kekkei Genkai Shikotsumyaku rare, Kimimaro father fear his ability and he has been locked up in a cage unless needed for battle. Kaguya clan binasahkan when they attacked Kirigakure, apparently for no reason other than the desire to kill. After underestimate their opponents defense, they were slaughtered, with Kimimaro survivors. after that, Kimimaro was eventually found by Orochimaru, and was recruited as one of the most loyal ninja.

Under Orochimaru, Kimimaro find purpose in life when he wants to ensure the continuation of a dream employer and employer ambition. Though Orochimaru took him under his wing to be one of the future host, Kimimaro not mind receiving such a fate, if it is to be of assistance to his master. Soon after that, Kimimaro meet Jugo, Kimimaro feel kindred spirit with jugo. Kimimaro friendship with Jugo causes of events that resulted in him being labeled by the curse seal Orochimaru developed from research on Jugo, who spoke to Kimimaro was experimenting with the hope that they would help him. With the discovery of new powers, Kimimaro beat all members of the Sound Four and being, chairman of the Sound Five. However, before her performance in the storyline, Kimimaro be afflicted by an unknown disease that destroys hope remains to be wdah substitute for Orochimaru.

Unlike other members of the clan, Kimimaro has no special interest in fighting or killing and saw his ability just as a tool to be used for others. He was a quiet and reserved individual who will dedicate themselves to the task whatever his master commanded. As a child, he was softer though natural talent for fighting and unique capabilities that make it the strongest man in the clan, as seen from him, he did not want to hurt others, and interest on interest. His tenderness was also reinforced by how good he is empathetic and Jugo, became one of the few people able to keep Jugo of losing control over himself.

Having met Orochimaru, Kimimaro develop strong devotion towards him, saw his kindness became Orochimaru as the reason he was in that to serve Orochimaru in any way is the only goal he has. Although the relationship Kimimaro by Orochimaru similar to the relationship with Zabuza Haku, the only difference is that Orochimaru eventually lost interest in him when he became useless to him. Kimimaro also find new ways to assert its existence. Kimimaro dedication to Orochimaru was so great that he either wanted him to fight and proved to be a very dangerous opponent for people like Naruto, Rock Lee and Gaara. gaara, Kimimaro and, Sasuke Uchiha, merka melmiliki same eyes just trying to prove the existence of their own, not more. Even after revived by Kabuto, Kimimaro still maintain loyalty to Orochimaru.

Kimimaro is different with four colleagues in two ways: The first one has a sense of honor in battle, as shown when he stopped to make a lee to take the "cure" her. Another difference is that he rarely showed emotion other than shocking his opponent, except at moments associated with ideals as it looks when it's Gaara Orochimaru insult caused her to be angry before his death or when Kimimaro was crying quietly when he loses privileges to Orochimaru.

Kimimaro is characterized by pale skin, green eyes bright, masculine face, two points on his forehead where all the members of his clan owned, and shoulder-length white hair, which she wore on her head split down the middle (distinguished by a 'zigzag' atypical hair parting) with two partings apart on both sides of his face. As a child, Kimimaro longer hair, tied in a pony tail off near the middle of his back, although early style is very similar to that at a later date.

Under the wing of Orochimaru, Kimimaro wear special clothes of Oto-nin, which consists of lavender light, loose, long-sleeved, zip-up, cropped black pants around mid-calf, bandages wrapped around the ankle, shinobi sandals and purple rope as a belt tied in an inverted bow at the waist. He also wore two red, hair ornaments such as tubes, in one of the two sides of his head, securing two silver keys of white hair. He was not wearing a headband, though extreme loyalty to Orochimaru. curse seal applied in the upper chest, where a circular pattern of three curved lines.


Apparently, as the user's ability Shikotsumyaku, Kimimaro was given a body structure that is different from others, such as Yakushi Kabuto stated that there has been too little information in the body to provide medical care to the terminal illness.
Editing capabilities Shikotsumyaku Kimimaro uses his abilities.

Kimimaro referred to by Orochimaru as the most powerful member of the Kaguya clan. Therefore, he was locked in solitary confinement for most of his life, the cage will open what if he needed to fight other clans. Away his fighting ability of all members of the Sound Four, and mastery of the Curse Seal even make jugo impressed, Kimimaro was the only person who can master before Sasuke Jugo without exerting any effort. Kimimaro also has a very strong determination, such as when the body fails is not possible to move physically, he still insisted and still proved to be a deadly opponent. The fact that he could fight Naruto, Lee, and Gaara while he was dying because of the disease, and never really defeated by them all, it shows he is a fighter who is very strong at its peak. even near death, his mere presence was enough to scare Tayuya, and maintain a high level of stamina, which shows in his battle with Naruto, Rock Lee and Gaara, fought the third one after the other without collapsing.

Kimimaro ability comes from kekkei Genkai, Shikotsumyaku, which allows users to manipulate their own skeletal structure as a means of combat. In particular, this allows to manipulate Kimimaro osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which are responsible for the build or destroy bone tissue. This capability gives you absolute control over the concentration of calcium in the bones, so that he can control the density or malleability of them. Kimimaro also stated that the bones are stronger than steel. Kimimaro capability is used to hold the bones as weapons in battle, and can use it in the form of taijutsu attack (which he called dances) to give a wide range of abilities, and the defense gave him a near-invincible, able to withstand most of the impact of enhanced chakra blades. He also could grow an entire forest giant bone knife. Orochimaru has stated that this is the main ninjutsu abilities, and the reason why Orochimaru wanted Kimimaro into the container.

Kimimaro capability makes it suitable for close combat fighting, showed remarkable taijutsu skills combined with an equally impressive speed, agility, and dexterity. He was able to defeat the shadow of hundreds of Naruto with ease, at the same time does not allow himself to be beaten. Kimimaro combined Shikotsumyaku and taijutsu ability to form many dances. Rock Lee, an expert with taijutsu, has stated that nothing is wasted in Kimimaro movement, and he (Kimimaro) is a taijutsu master. Kimimaro also has great power, enough to pull himself out of Gaara's sand, which is usually difficult .....

In the anime, Kimimaro was revealed to have participated in many schemes Orochimaru. He was deemed responsible for the murder ninja Orochimaru Kusagakure that will emulate. At this point, he gives a bloody cough, but decided to ignore it. However, while participating in the murder of the Fourth Kazekage and his bodyguards to Orochimaru and Sound Four pose as their victims, the disease manifests with fully Kimimaro he was sent back to Otogakure to be treated by Kabuto in intensive medical care to keep him alive for as long as possible. Hearing that his health has declined to make him feel useless for Orochimaru, Kimimaro began silently crying for losing his goal.

When the Sound Four too long in bringing Sasuke to Otogakure, Kabuto decided to build Kimimaro to help them, even if that meant he would die. Regardless as he forced himself out of bed, Kimimaro resolved that brought his successor, Sasuke Uchiha, is the only goal that he could do to Orochimaru. Before leaving, Kimimaro went to see Jugo once again. Despite protests about health Jugo, Kimimaro assured him that Sasuke is a legacy while grateful for their friendship Jugo.
Naruto vs. Kimimaro.

Arrived to find Tayuya and Sasuke holds the coffin was in, Kimimaro threatened to kill him unless he kills some ninja of Konoha, saying he just let him live because he has an obligation to menyelesaikan.dan at the time against Naruto, Sasuke emerged from the coffin with Kimimaro cover his escape towards Otogakure. During the fight, revealing intentions Orcohimaru for Sasuke, Kimimaro is able to kill Naruto when Rock Lee arrived and kicked. Kimimaro see Lee as opposed stronger than Naruto.
Lee arrived to fight Kimimaro. When Kimimaro Naruto chase when he started going after Sasuke, Lee caught bones, allowing Naruto to go. Kimimaro proved more than a match for Lee at first, but after Lee started using the Drunken Fist he gained the upper hand, Kimimaro was not able to react to unusual movements even after he knew what Lee use. After Lee managed to land an attack against him, Kimimaro admitted he could not read his movements. He then activated the first phase of the Curse Seal to beat Lee. He then uses his bones to hurt Lee's face and knock him down.
When Lee started to sober up, Kimimaro win again and beat Lee down. Believing he had killed Lee, he began to pursue Naruto, but Lee stood up again in time. He catches a kick Lee with bones and nearly killed him. Gaara arrived at that time, kept Lee, and began to fight Kimimaro instead. Kimimaro then pulled the bone when he acknowledges Gaara as a strong opponent, his sand into a strong defense. He suspected Gaara not a close combat fighter, acknowledged the difficulty of bringing Gaara to close range. When Gaara began to attack him, Kimimaro tried to use his ten fingers bullet while while avoiding attacks Gaara. Noting that all the techniques involved sand Gaara, he showed it was foolish for Gaara to fight a place where there are no sand. Gaara bring attention Kimimaro on to distract him when he caught hold Kimimaro his feet, and went on to explain that as long as there is sand, he could use it to make more.
Kimimaro then trapped and crushed by Gaara's sand, but survived by creating a layer of bone under the skin. He activates the curse seal. Kimimaro admitted that he had underestimated Gaara, but will not make the same mistake again. Having survived the tsunami buried Gaara's sand, Kimimaro try to land a blow on Gaara, but Armour of Sand blocked it. He then used two of its parts to hold and kill Gaara, but could not solve the main defense.
After Gaara insulted Kimimaro loyalty to Orochimaru, Kimimaro begin to lose focus before being buried two hundred feet underground, where the pressure can even destroy the steel. Kimimaro, however, uses the last of the dance to change the battlefield into the bones forest, that Gaara and Lee barely escaped with a small cloud hanging onto the sand, with a chakra reserves are almost exhausted. Fueled by hatred hear insulted Orochimaru, Kimimaro emerged from one of the bones and ready for Gaara and Lee ripped to shreds. However, he finally succumbed to his illness before he could kill Gaara and died where he stood. Gaara then came to the conclusion that nothing can beat loneliness, even if it means to treat people like Orochimaru.

In preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kimimaro who revived by Kabuto Yakushi to fight the Shinobi Alliance. Once mobilized, he became part of a group who help Chūkichi, along with Chiyo and Hanzo. He then found the team Kankuro, where Deidara being imprisoned. Kimimaro ponder how Orochimaru's chakra, through Kabuto, now flowing in him while having the determination to complete the assigned goal.

When the enemy reinforcements came from the Fifth Division to provide assistance, Kimimaro attacked them with Shikotsumyaku, who managed to penetrate even the chakra-infused samurai knife. Fatal impaling some samurai is the next day, observing the arrival shadows Kimimaro Naruto, who noted that the outcome of this battle will be different from their past. Commented that his performance showed a very long time has passed, but he was apparently struck by the Wind Release (Fuuton): Rasenshuriken.

When Edo Tensei ninja World released, Kimimaro was surprised that still battling members of the Alliance, Kimimaro then covered with a wide light before the start deconstructing. Then his soul was seen rising from the ship with the release of Edo Tensei Ninja World and back again to the afterlife.

Kimimaro said to him that Sasuke, which contains a curse seal as himself, is the living legacy inspired Jugo follow Sasuke to join the group.

Through reincarnated Kabuto Kimimaro for the Fourth Shinobi War, he also assimilated Kimimaro DNA along with the rest of the Sound Five. Sakon and Ukon using kekkei genkai, Kabuto can manifest a construction of Kimimaro with access to its Shikotsumyaku kekkei genkai.

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