Saturday, December 27, 2014

Orochimaru Tsunade Jiraiya NAME TAKEN OF CHARACTERS turned out which old fairy famous the Japanese. story following tale

Some names in Naruto as Jiraiya, Tsunade, Orochimaru are names familiar to Japanese people because they are the names of famous fairy tale characters. names like Sasuke and Yamato even taken from the name of a famous real character. Here is the story of a legend Jiraiya. A fairy tale is told from one generation to the Japanese people. This fairy tale may be an inspiration to Masashi. Ogata is the name of the lord of the castle who lived in the island province-9 (Kiushiu). He had a son that people used to call Jiraiya. Jiraiya was a baby red. When the civil war, the castle was occupied and Ogata killed. Thanks to banatuan retainer. Thanks to the help of one of the guards kastilk, Jiraiya was still alive because it is hidden in the breasts. Jiraiya was rushed to the north is Echigo. That's where he grew up. One time, Echigo robbers invaded herd. Once the castle guard who saved Jiraiya confronted the thieves. He fight but eventually killed. Jiraiya is now alone and out of the Echigo and wandering. He traveled and think about the resurrection of his family and his father's name. He was a very brave and skillful sword users. And he is now recruiting several subordinates and becomes the leader of a herd of new rogues. He robbed many carts. In a short time he became rich, many troops and booty. Jiraiya became expert in disguise, entered the home, past the guards and gates, investigate where the treasure is stored so that Jiraiya was more successful rob and steal. Jiraiya heard about an old man in Shinano. He wanted to rob him. So he disguised as a vagabond. Shinano is very high land. Many mountains and snowy. When the blizzard came, Jiraiya took refuge in a hut. When entered he saw a waiter who was very beautiful. The waiter serving Jiraiya very well. Friendly treatment of the pretty waitress did not make sense rogues Jiraiya lost. At nightfall, Jiraiya crept into the room where the gorgeous waitress sipelayan enjoys reading. Jiraiya intends menotok neck pretty waitress but before totokannya up, pretty waitress turned into an old man. Jiraiya was shocked. The old man said, "I am the person who is known by the name Senso Dojin and I have inhabited these mountains for hundreds of years. My body which is actually a giant frog. I could have killed you but I had other intentions. So I forgive you and will even pick you become a disciple ". Jiraiya Jiraiya prostrate token of gratitude practice for several weeks in the mountains. Jiraiya practice many jutsu; create a storm of wind and rain, making flooding and control objects. He also learned to control the frog. On his orders,

Jiraiya can summon a giant toad. Jiraiya can stand on a giant frog and cross the wide river and carrying heavy loads. When the old man finished teaching him. Parents give him advice "From now on, stop robbing. Bertaubatlah of distress the poor, stealing from the rich. please people who are distress "finished giving advice, parents turned into a giant frog and jump away. Jiraiya went with his heart enlightenment. Jiraiya said to myself "I can mengendalilkan storm and water present. Also the frog. But still this frog jutsu can not be used against snake. I must guard against poison "After that Jiraiya many helpful people. And his name has become known to many people because of its reputation who likes to help people. One time there was a merchant named Fukutaro that in a death sentence even though he was innocent. Jiraiya hear it and go to the judge and said that she was guilty. Fukutaro survived and Jiraiya hung in a big tree instead. At night time, the bodies of Jiraiya turned into a large frog and jump into the mountains of Shinano. At the time of this region lived a gorgeous waitress named Tsunade. He was very friendly to anyone. He was very loved family and friends. Regular duty is looking for firewood in the forest. One time in the woods, Tsunade met an old hermit very long white beard. Old hermit said, "do not be afraid of me. I have lived in these mountains for hundreds of years. My real body is snail. I will teach you some jutsu so that you can walk on water. "With pleasure Tsunade learned from the hermit. One time hermit said "I have to go now and back to wujudku. Use your power to destroy the evil rogues and help those who defend the weak. I suggest you to get married to a man named Jiraiya, and you will unite your strength "Tsunade said to himself that he is happy to have had a jutsu of hermit snails. And if he was married to Jiraiya then force both will be able to eradicate the super vicious rogues Orochimaru leadership. Due to an accident, Jiraiya and Tsunade passes immediately fell in love. Tsunade Jiraiya immediately apply to the parents and without difficulty obtaining approval from parents Tsunade. So they got married. Some time after their marriage. The outbreak of war between the two clans that Tsukikage and Inukage. Tsukikage ask for help Jiraiya clan and clan Inukage ask for help Orochimaru.orochimaru is powerful rogues whose father was a man and his mother is a snake of the lake Takura. He is very powerful. Finally, the fight between the followers of Jiraiya-Tsunade against Orochimaru took place and take a lot of casualties. In one battle, Jiraiya pushed and retreat to a monastery. There he met a daughter named Tagoto. Tagoto formerly the wife of Orochimaru. Orochimaru forced him menikaha and eventually he fled because of the cruel treatment Orochimaru. Orochimaru finally know where Jiraiya, Tsunade and Tagoto. Orochimaru turned into a snake. Orochimaru remove toxins that make Jiraiya and his followers and the followers Tagoto be lost consciousness. When people realize they are confused to find Jiraiya and Tsunade Tagoto dying and disappearing. Elders monastery said that nothing can cure Jiraiya and Tsunade. But there is no panacea in India that might cure it. A follower named Jiraiya rikimatsu ask elders "sensei Jiraiya how long can survive? "Elder said Jiraiya would have died within 30 hours. Rikimatsu said that he would seek the drug. Rikimatsu apparently never learn jutsu from tengus, a long-nosed mountain nymph. Rikimatsu can fly high with high speed. Within one day and one night, Rikimatsu managed to bring the drug from India. Jiraiya and Tsunade survived. At the next big war. Jiraiya and Tsunade beat Orochimaru and bring Tagoto back to the monastery. For his help Jiraiya given territory and holds the honor of Daimyo no Idzu. Jiraiya and Tsunade quiet life until his death.

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