Thursday, December 25, 2014

stories about hatake kakashi

 Biodata Kakashi Hatake

Name: Kakashi Hatake
Born: 15 September
Village: Konohagakure (Hidden Leaf Village)
Age: 29 Years
Blood Type: A
Eye Color: Black In The Right Bag, Red (Sharingan) In Bag Left
Hair Color: White
Height: - cm
Weight: 67.5 kg
Father'S Name: -
Mother's Name: -
Name Bijuu: Not Having
Depth: Jounin


     Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
     Chidori / Raikiri
     Mizubunshin no Jutsu
     Special Kakashi Mangekyou Sharingan
     Doton Tsuiga no Jutsu
     Suiton Daibakufu no Jutsu
     Suiton Suiryuudan no Jutsu
     Kanashibari no Jutsu '


Kakashi became more stern and serious after the death of his father, following all the rules strictly and punish anyone who does not obey it, as his team-mate Obito. He also became a loner and apathy towards others, especially his teammate Obito who is always late in their mission with a variety of reasons. This leads to hate Kakashi Obito; the dynamics of the relationship between the two turns after Obito was seriously injured when the Third Shinobi World War, Kakashi and Obito became close friends after Rin was kidnapped.

Obito's death had a huge impact on Kakashi's personality. He is now more cheerful and shows greater concern for his team-mates and the students, putting their safety on the success to complete the mission, and believe that teamwork is essential to the success of a team. He also developed a rather jovial personality and regularly late for memeuhi appointment, make a variety of reasons such as Obito. This is often caused because he spent too much time with menguunjungi Stone Memorial where Obito's name is engraved. However, Kakashi is still the same apathy as when he was young, often speaking bluntly about sensitive topics.

Kakashi stated that he had lost all those close to him. Of people who are still alive, Kakashi closest friends with Guy, Asuma and Kurenai. After the formation of Team 7, he began to give special attention in their development, as shown by regularly checking Naruto habits and diet. He also refused to undertake the mission at the end of Part I so that he can prevent Naruto and Sasuke kill each other. As well as Hiruzen, Kakashi loves all his students with sincere.

Despite the reputation and skills as a ninja is increasingly recognized, Kakashi did not show signs of arrogance, and often modest about his abilities, as shown when he praised others for the betterment of their fighting ability and stated that Naruto has a strength that has passed it. When advised by many people that he became Hokage, Kakashi admitted that the position is not feasible for it but ready to accept accepting it for the welfare of the village. Natural calmness used to his advantage in battle, as it becomes easier for him to maintain his composure and stay focused on the situation at hand. As a result, he was able to quickly adapt to any situation to make the right decisions and unpredictable, so he always stays one step ahead of his opponents, but he also has an emotional side, which is shown when he expressed his anger against the Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation, times when he will need to protect his friends.

Kakashi has a rather childish rivalry with Guy. To try to prove himself superior to Kakashi, Guy challenged him to compete in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors which the losing party must be punished. Guy has a record of 50 wins and 49 defeats the very He pride (in the anime, Kakashi has a record of 51 wins and 50 defeats). Kakashi, on the other hand, show little interest in their competitions, which only inspires Guy to defeat Kakashi. However, they are both very close friends and also have a deep trust each other that seen during the Fourth Shinobi World War when they entrust the protection of their weaknesses with each other. It also expanded on in the anime, where Kakashi told Tsunade that he would need a companion during the war and he wants to be his friend's Guy.


Kakashi is always seen with a standard Konoha shinobi outfit along with iron-coated gloves from his ANBU uniform. During her time as a member of Team Minato, He was seen with a black shirt with a white stripe on the sleeve. In his hand he wore a black sleeve (which may be deducted from his shirt) with a protective metal sleeve thereon. He also wore a leather belt that crosses around the back and chest, and White Light Chakra Sabre family kept in small containers in the back. He also wears the pants similar to that he wear now. He seemed to wear the same type as a child (as seen in flashback). However, in another flashback He is shown wearing a black sleeveless shirt similar to that sometimes he wear when mature. This pakaina type may apply for a relaxed condition.


Kakashi's personality is further illustrated by the generally lazy expression, with solitary habits, relaxed voice and minimalist attitude. But in a serious situation, he described has a very firm and focused. 16 chapters cover page also shows he was wearing a necklace chain. Another feature that looks at Kakashi, in addition to the unique left eye, where there is a thin scar that extends from the forehead to cheek. He is a ninja tall with white hair that tapers upward, he always put his forehead protector to cover his left eye and a mask that covered the lower part of his face. He's been misidentified by Chiyo as her father Sakumo Hatake, because they are both considered to be very similar.


Kakashi is a natural genius, evidenced by the speed he rose through the levels Ninja, he graduated from the Academy at the age of 5 years, became a Chunin at the age of 6 years, become Jonin at the age of 13 years, and have tenure as ANBU in a long time. During his career he has been collecting and studying ore than a thousand different techniques, making it an expert in the field of Konoha. Various achievements of his cause he got a lot of compliments from fellow ninja of Konoha and he also holds great influence. He is often given responsibility for important tasks even being considered to become Hokage. Pain is very concerned with the ability of Kakashi and tried to kill him for fear that one day he would disrupt the plans of Akatsuki. This concern was subsequently shown in the Fourth Shinobi World War when Kakashi beat most of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist and then managed to hold some changes Jinchuriki along with Might Guy.


In Part II, Naruto noted that Kakashi is smarter than Shikamaru Nara, have a better sense of smell than Kiba Inuzuka, taijutsu abilities better than Rock Lee, and have a better mastery of the Sharingan than Sasuke Uchiha. Kakashi has proven himself as an intelligent ninja with sharp instincts and ability to fight high, making it able to face any opponent. Ability also increased between Part I and Part II: in Part I He struggled to keep up Itachi Uchiha, but then was able to match the pace of the fight in Part II. Similarly, his chakra levels have increased, in Part I he is only able to use Lightning Cutter four times a day, but in Part II He can use it at least six times in one battle and still have enough chakra to use the Mangekyo Sharingan.

Kakashi also able to summon a pack of dogs ninja to help him in battle or for any additional purpose.

accepted the you for reading this story

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