Wednesday, December 24, 2014



Age: 50-51, Naruto, 53 in Naruto Shippūden
* Origin: Konohagakure, moved to Otogakure
* Membership Status: Out of the deceased after the Akatsuki
* Ring: ("Sky")
* Ring position: left little finger
* Couple: Formerly Sasori
* Characteristic: look like snakes, can prolong life by transferring his soul into a new body.

Orochimaru is a former member of the Akatsuki, which was previously paired with Sasori. It uses the technique of Fushi Tensei trying to steal the body of Itachi Uchiha, but was foiled Itachi with incapacitate and cut his left hand. After this incident, Orochimaru left Akatsuki, while still carrying Akatsuki ring that remains in the hands of the original body. Because revenge it intends to eliminate Akatsuki Orochimaru. Then Orochimaru intends to take Sasuke Uchiha, Itachi's brother. But it was he who devoured the use sharingan Sasuke Tensei rituals. However, after the ritual Tensei, the men Kabuto Orochimaru Orochimaru had to take DNA and DNA embed it on himself, now 1/3 Kabuto's body has mastered the body cells immortal Orochimaru. In another event, at the time Sasuke against Itachi, Sasuke's body exhausted from hydra Orochimaru appears that transform his body into a large eight-headed serpent. In the end, Orochimaru dead and culled from Sasuke's body by Itachi's Susanoo last moments., Orochimaru, Fushi Tensei
* Body Flame Technique = mrip Shunshin tpi tbuh pngguna AKN lost pelan2 trbakar fire
* Doton Kage Bunshin = make a clone of mud.
* Yamata no Jutsu = turned into a snake-headed and tailed 8

* Gogyou Fuuin = sealing five elements of earth, water, fire, wind and lightning so that the enemy can not cast the element jutsu
* Kinjutsu: Gedo No. In: Fu = seal kekkei Genkai lwan
* Kinjutsu: Gedo No. In: Ran = mnjadikn tbuh lwan sbagai the agents brtarung
* Mandara no Jin = 10,000 snakes issuing from the mouth to attack or defend, ular2 it can pull the sword out of his mouth to attack the enemy
* Gathering of the Snakes = restore the body to normal use dozens of snakes when one part of the body is cut off
* Genjutsu Shibari = bind enemies using Genjutsu
* Sen'eijashu = eject the snake of arms that can poison the enemy
* Sen'ei Tajashu = expend tens big snake through hand to capture or attack the enemy
* Sen'ei Jyaraku = equally bleak Sen'ei Tajashu hny SJA ular2 nie in aliri chakra agr bsa bsa mledak
* Sōjasōsai no Jutsu = tknik bnuh dri dg ngluarn snake Bracun For gi2t pngguna n mnggunakan seal the target with the target gbungan tngn n pngguna
* Hiru Bansho: Boka no Jutsu = user can blend with surrounding objects to avoid attack or move diam2 SCARA cpat to attack enemies from behind
* Snake slithering Mode = lower body change into a serpent to increase the velocity
* Body Shedding = Outgoing dri tbuh that severe trluka mlalui mouth like snake skin gnti TNP that no injuries sdikitpun
* Jagei Jubaku = issuing two large snakes are very strong of arm to capture or attack the enemy
* Nan no Kaizou = use the body to lock the enemy
* Kage Bunshin no Jutsu = creates a clone that mmliki Chakra
* Summoning: Manda = call "manda" giant snake to attack the enemy.
* Edo Tensei = use Hokage forbidden jutsu to generate first and second Hokage
* Kinjutsu: Edo Fumetsu = kluarin crate Edo Tensei dri tnah n ktika crate trbuka mncul pluhan byangan hand that mnangkap msuh For dsegel dlm crate
* Summoning: Rashomon Sanju = summon three Rashomon gate to withstand the opponent's attack
* Kusanagi no Tsurugi: Me no Tachi = move Kusanagi from the middle distance of about 5m - 15m to attack the enemy
* Kanashibari no Jutsu = ninjutsu techniques to temporarily paralyze the enemy
* Futon: Daitoppa = fired gusts of wind that can uproot large trees to attack the enemy


Orochimaru is the main character antagonist dlm most of the series Naruto Part I. He was one of the 3 Legendary Sannin of Konoha (besides ad Jiraiya and Tsunade), and then joined the Akatsuki members and leaders Otogakure. Orochimaru is one of the disciples of Hiruzen Sarutobi (Sandaime Hokage) He along with Jiraiya and Tsunade became part of Team Hiruzen Sarutobi tie. Even at that age are still quite young, Orochimaru can show that his talent as a great Ninja - talent, knowledge, and determination was considered by his sensei as the sights that can be seen only rarely as once in a generation.

According to Tsunade, Orochimaru is always confusing (unpredictable), even back he was a child. He has always been a sadist with a cold face due to the death of both parents orng, which eventually led him to study kinjutsu and eventually became obsessed with learning all ninjutsu, including jutsu2 prohibited.

Jiraiya theorized that Orochimaru was involved in all of this in an effort to forget the bitter memories. Sarutobi in particular had very high hopes for Orochimaru, Jiraiya even Sarutobi often nags He said that Jiraiya to be more like his team-mates Orochimaru. After becoming the Third Hokage, Sarutobi hoped that one day Orochimaru would succeed.

 Orochimaru eventually became Anko Mitarashi's mentor, teaching ninjutsu and him, along with nine others, as guinea pigs For Jutsu terlarang'a who called The Cursed Seal of Heaven.

Meanwhile Orochimaru's ambition to become the Fourth Hokage, his eyes dpenuhi with Goal2 strange enough for traditional leluhur'a ideals different from what Sarutobi did, Sarutobi benar2 TSB task tnggung with full responsibility. Hiruzen knew that "the real power will be realized when the shinobi protect something" important, and the role of Hokage is to love and protect the people of the village as if family. However for Orochimaru, the Hokage was nothing more than a conquest or proving themselves on potential self: the strength and power. This mindset has affected her neighbor picture by orang2 around him, when he saw a young Ibiki Morino Orochimaru as "something inhuman in human form".

Because see Orochimaru could not be what it once was he expected, Orochimaru krn sdh brtindak trlalu far, Akhir'a after Hiruzen year retirement. He then decided to choose student of Jiraiya is Namikaze Minato as his successor, Minato more PNTS krn indeed earned a timeout TSB help konoha shinobi world in the war against Iwagakure 3rd. Finally Minato was appointed as the Yondaime Hokage (4th Hokage).

Realizing that he had been deadlocked in his quest to be the best and therefore be no reason for him to stay in Konoha, Orochimaru began less careful with his actions.

Over the years, he has been kidnapped fellow shinobi of Konoha and use them as a rabbit experiments. He conducted experiments on them to develop techniques that will give immortality, as he had already decided that he would learn all jutsu in the world, though forbidden. When the case was finally successful penculikan2 tracked by the Leaf and the culprit is revealed that Orochimaru, Hiruzen knew that it was his duty to kill him even though he was a former protege.

 On arriving saat'a seperti'a Hiruzen could not (more teatnya not have the heart) to kill former protege who used to have it put great hopes that murid'a pd.

Before Orochimaru defected, he kidnapped sixty children and injected with the First Hokage's DNA, he hopes to create jutsu Users Wood Element (As Shodaime Hokage). Before he managed to finish the job he was forced to leave Konoha, but he is confident that they will anak2 will die. Yamato is the only survivor of the experiment, and have been able to obtain the use of wood elements. Orochimaru perform similar experiments on Konoha elders that Danzo, by inserting DNA for the First Hokage and some Member pd Sharingan body.

Orochimaru defected from the village and joined the elite criminal organization Akatsuki. His former teammate, Jiraiya, tried to convince him to come back, but to no avail. Although the role played by Orochimaru in the Akatsuki is unclear, but it is known that he was partnered with Sasori before he came out of the Akatsuki (both seem very respectful of each other when they bkrja as partners; Sasori also claimed that he and Orochimaru has done many good things / For organizations benefit they will when they were together in the organization).

at that time new Uchiha Itachi joined Akatsuki after a massacre in almost all his own clan. Orochimaru saw this opportunity to get the Sharingan, and Orochimaru tried to make plans to steal Itachi's body. Orochimaru tried to use his style to that brnama "Living Corpse Reincarnation, but Itachi used his Sharingan to reverse the attacks Orochimaru and cut off his left hand before Orochimaru Orochimaru tried to break Genjutsunya, This is what caused him to leave Akatsuki to get / find a new body. (Reason sbnar'a adlh He shame krn defeated by Itachi who is a new member of Akatsuki).

Because of the betrayal of Akatsuki and Orochimaru discharge is what ultimately makes Sasori revenge pd Orochimaru and Kabuto Yakushi send washed-up otak'a to spy on Orochimaru, however, Orochimaru managed to let go of control that is put by Sasori pd Kabuto Kabuto and even make a hand faithful right. He eventually founded his own village, Otogakure, to conduct various experiments in hiding it. Orochimaru also seek Totsuka sword, a sword that is said to complete invisibility main weapon is Kusanagi Sword, for all his life, he did not realize that that sword is owned by Uchiha Itachi Susanoo.

At a certain point, when the Kaguya clan trying to destroy Kirigakure and eventually they even destroy themselves, Orochimaru was on the outskirts of the village, watching and commenting on their ignorance. Is there that he met Kimimaro, Kimimaro be survivors only, then Kimimaro taken by Orochimaru, hoping to be a new-throne for himself.


Being one of the Sannin, as well as a former member of the organization Akatsuk & merupakn Ninja Criminal-level S, Orochimaru is a very powerful ninja. strength, it can be said ALMOST level with Kage level, looks so great that during the time of the invasion in Konoha, the Third Hokage fear no one in the village who could beat him or parallel to him, besides his own Third Hokage. Even Kakashi, one owned Konoha shinobi tough, rigid with overwhelming fear and amazement when he met him during the Chunin Exams, and himself admits he has no chance against his strength.

He can hold his own against Naruto in the form of fox tail 4 although his body in a state of weakness, and although Naruto could harm him, he presents a highly entertaining battle. Even then, his body gave up, he expressed regret that he was unable to finish the battle. He is known to have an insight into the expanse Jutsu. But among other Sannin He referred to himself as the Sannin trash, and assume they will be ill pntas title bears.


One of several techniques he looks often use the Shadow Technique Dr. Land (Earth Clone Technique), which makes a shadow of itself out of the mud that can attack lwan on perintah'a (such as age naruto clone pd). It also can take advantage of Wind Element: Big Breakthrough, where he can level a wide area with a strong gust of wind. In terms of defensive techniques, Orochimaru uses both summoningnya: Rashomon and Triple Rashomon, in which he called a number that large demon gate which can survive very well from a dangerous enemy attacks, which makes it interchangeable avoid damage that is severe enough dr opponent. If necessary, he can also put the seal of the Five Elements at the opponent, sealing his order lawan'a can not access the chakra in them and thus making them not be useful in combat.


Orochimaru can use caller stance: Impure World Ressurection or well known by EDO Tensei, which makes it able to revive the dead. To perform this technique, Orochimaru must sacrifice human life so that the soul of the deceased can be associated with the world of life. The body is then surrounded by dirt and dust complex later became the original body shape dr soul addressed. Orochimaru can suppress their free will on his own with a special seal to force them to do his bidding. Resurrected body is also able to regenerate wounds, which means the only way to beat them is to eliminate the soul within them.

End of Life.

Due to the limitations of the body which he used this time, Orochimaru thought to use body Uchiha Sasuke. Before he managed to carry out his plan, Sasuke knew beforehand and then tried to kill him and attacked him with Chidori. But only managed to stab his arm. Sasuke also stressed that Orochimaru does not deserve to have Uchiha body.

Orochimaru finally decided to use the original body, which the White Snake great intangibles that come from a collection of small ular2 to then perform emphasis body exchanges with Uchiha Sasuke. But Orochimaru Sasuke managed to cut the body form of a snake which is great, only to realize that the blood evaporate turn into poison and Orochimaru successfully started tubuh'a exchange process. But Sasuke stop of the process such as that carried out when thwart Orochimaru Itachi in a few years ago, even Sasuke took a step further by reversing the stance TSB and against Orochimaru, Sasuke then successfully menyerap'a into Genjutsu'a. Sasuke gained access to some of Orochimaru's abilities, but at the same time have to use part of chakra'a to suppress Orochimaru.

During his battle with Itachi, Sasuke ran out of chakra, and Orochimaru managed to emerge through the neck behind the ad bode Sasuke. He admired the fact that eventually he would have the opportunity to take Sasuke's body, but directly successfully penetrated by Pdeang Itachi Susanoo. At the time of Orochimaru boasted that the attack was unwarranted AKN mammpu kill him, but suddenly he realized something was wrong and he was surprised that that ditusukan by Itachi on him is that during the Totsuka Sword He is currently looking for.

Orochimaru then go permanently (Dead) sealed by Itachi Susanoo, and remove the seal from Sasuke's cursed mark. Then there was one white snake escaped from Susanoo, but was later killed by the black flames burned by Amaterasu.

 accepted the artiker you for reading about this Orochimaru

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